Do you L.O.V.E. Purely Decadent Coconut milk ice cream like I do?? I doubt it. I can eat a pint of that stuff in 20 minutes. And the coolest thing about it is that it is Feingold approved(meaning additive free!) and in my very humble opinion, even better than really good dairy ice cream.
And it is currently on BOGO at Greenwise until Wednesday! Priced at around $4.59.
I happened to have $1/1 coups from a Purely Decadent pamphlet that I found a few months back, so I snagged 4 pints for the upcoming holidays. Even without coups this is a great price, but get this-- Lots of the pints had peelies on them.
The peelies included a $1/1 any refrigerated So Delicious product(use that to get practically free yogurt!), and a $2/1 So Delicious Coconut Milk half gallon. These sell for $2.75 at Greenwise.
I paired the $2/1 with a Whole Foods $1/1 and scored a wee bit of overage. I was very happy to get 2 half gallons this way as we have recently converted Maya from drinking soy milk.
Can't believe I missed this deal! I love their ice cream! Super delicious.