Tuesday, April 27

Definition of Healthy

So I'm fairly certain I'm going to get into some debates over whether or not the items I post on this blog are healthy.
I'm ok with that. I guess i want to start out by clarifying my intentions. Some of the items I post here will be because the are Feingold approved. It can be expensive to stay on the Feingold Diet because you can't just buy whatever is on sale. So, if I find a Feingold approved item for a good price I will let people know. Sometimes this might be "natural" cheetos. Not a healthy food by my standards, still cool as an occasional snack for a kid on a special diet.
Sometimes I will find deals on organic items, but for the most part my goal is to find the best in each category, to find grocery items with fewer ingredients, more whole foods, and ways to save on produce and basic pantry needs like grains, beans, flour, etc.
So feel free to chime in with your definition of healthy, but know that I am just doing my best to provide my family with better choices.


  1. I am very impressed with your new blog Meli! I think this will be a great resource for people who are looking to get into or better at couponing. And it's not just about that! There's plenty of coupons for really unhealthy products and this blog will help people get the best quality for the lowest price. It will also be a forum for discussions and sharing money saving ideas. You go girl!

    -Mark F.

  2. I so appreciate that you are incorporating Feingold into this. As a mom whose goal is healthy food all the time, I do have to make concessions sometimes when I take my kids to parties or other social gatherings where abundant junkfood is available for the taking. It is for these times that I feel the need to purchase Feingold-friendly junk food for my children so that the will have something similar to what the other kids are having. Not my ideal, but at least they are getting snacks without all the artificial additives. Yes, my kids do love raw veggies and fruit, but when other children are downing soda, cheetos and multicolored cupcakes, it is nice to have something for them to feel like they are getting a treat too. Thanks for incorporating ways to save on Feingold approved products!
