Friday, April 30

Friday Fact Finding

Here is my attempt to keep up to date with food related issues, health & food connection, and the latest information about supplements, superfoods, etc.

Eating Meat May Increase the Risk of Bladder Cancer
How many studies do they have to put out linking meat to cancer before people stop eating meat? No, I'm actually asking that question in hopes I will get an answer.

Sugar in Diet Hurts Cholesterol Levels, Too
See, I thought eggs were going to be bad for my cholesterol. But maybe if I continue to avoid processed foods like canned soup and store-bought bread I will be okay?

Is Caffeine Really Unhealthy?

Three different perspectives on caffeine and health. I need to read this but I don't want to feel like I should give up my coffee...
it's just not going to happen folks.


  1. I just ordered new printer ink yesterday because I'm already burning up all mine! These coupons are great and the commentary is very helpful too. I try to balance some of the stuff I hear with what I read on too. It's kind of helped me realize certain things are not bad but helpful in our diets (butter, eggs, etc.) because they are good fats. It also seems to me that matter of preparation is just as important as the components of a diet. The article about the meat says that well-done meat may increase risk of bladder cancer as compared to more rare meat. Yikes. I don't plan on switching to eating meat rare, but I guess it'd be wise to examine how often I'm eating meat, what kind is it, and how is it prepared??

  2. PS: No way am I giving up my coffee yet! I feel like every other day there is new research that says it's good, or that it's bad. I guess all in moderation, huh?

  3. Coffee is one of those things that the research goes back and forth on so I will just keep drinking it until someone can give me a reallllllly good reason to stop!!
