Tuesday, May 4

Mini Publix Trip

Made a quick stop at Publix on the way home from work and just wanted to show off my deals:
I got three free yogurts!

I also got an organic Rice Mix by Rice Select-- used a coupon from my Mambo Sprouts booklet for $1.50 off any Rice Select items. This was a careful steal, because most of the Rice Select items are at least $7-$8. This mix was only $2.50.
 Sign up to have the Mambo Sprouts coupons sent to you!

Lastly I got some Bear Naked cereal, it looks SO yummy! It was priced at $3.29, down from $4.29. I used a $1/1 manufacturers coup and a Whole Foods $1/1.

Pre-sale/coupon price= $11.77

Total= $2.29

1 comment:

  1. Bear Naked cereal IS super yummy - one of my favorites!
