Monday, May 31

Target Deal Idea

Sobe Lifewater Variety Pack - 12/20oz Bottles
If you like the Sobe Lifewater drinks, there is a gift card deal going on at Target this week.

Buy 10 Sobe Lifewaters($1 each), get $5 Target Gift Card

Check out this B1G1 *printable* coup-- you will only be able to print 2 per computer, but if you can get 5, you will essentially get your drinks free after gift card.

1 comment:

  1. and there is a .50 off 1, so print 10 of those and you have yourself a money maker!
    $10 for 10 bottles
    -$5 from the BOGO coupons,
    -$5 from the target .50 off 1 coupons
    equals $0
    get a $5 gift card :)
    thank you target for paying me for vitamin water :)
